hope you will find the content of this website useful to your studies and daily life These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. The aerial photography and atlases series in the Henry J. Bruman Map Collection cover 1965 to the mid 1990s. WebThe main advantage of oblique aerial photographs is that the photographs can be taken from the most advantageous position, in order to improve interpretation. Oblique aerial photography has, however, some drawbacks. necta chemistry past papers TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATION Your email address will not be published. kcse geography revision notes (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); ACSEE REVIEW QUESTIONS Aerial photography normally involves a minimum of two camera lenses attached together, which is known as a 2-lens system, but you can also use more lenses.
With high oblique photographs, you cannot see what is known as Measurements of directions are easier than on oblique photograph. This image is a vertical aerial photograph of the River Forth at Throsk, Stirlingshire, in 1988. civics This has the advantage that the stereo images always have the same scale and relative alignment. This allows for a wide range of applications, from precision mapping to reconnaissance photography. Objects that are under tree or under other tall objects may not be visible on. kcse past papers However, its main disadvantage is that it is often not very recent and may not accurately reflect any changes that have occurred since the photograph was taken. oblique photography. Features in the background are often too small to be recognised or can be hidden behind buildings, however. In the data acquisition and processing of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV) oblique photography monomer modeling, it is hard to balance the model quality and the production efficiency. Aerial photogrammetry requires much more support and investment than terrestrial photogrammetry. STUDY OF SOIL necta csee chemistry past papers english language necta csee chemistry past papers The golden hour is also good if youre hoping to capture stunning images full of color. vertical aerial photograph are Left: negative cropmark photographed with the sun in the back. Disadvantages of low oblique aerial photograph? If there are stone remains beneath a surface, crops will grow shallower as they cannot put down as much root and features will show up as crop marks. oblique photography. Before the photograph was taken, several decisions had to be made: the identification of visibility marks, their evaluation as being archaeologically relevant, hight, direction, camera settings etc. HUMAN GEOGRAPHY Vertical photographs are simple to use photogrammetrically as a minimum of mathematical correction is required. kcse past papers history of South Africa Comparison of softwood forests in Kenya and Canada, How to draw a sketch map from given photograph, Advantages and Disadvantages of bar graph, 6 importance of photograph in geography studies. necta biology past paper Aerial photogrammetry provides more data in less time and allows surveyors to steer clear of dangerous areas while still collecting the information they need. A perspective view gives a geometrically distorted image of the earths surface. High wing aircrafts are hired for oblique aerial photography. think that the images are live they are in fact three years old on kcse past papers PRACTICAL GEOGRAPHY Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 1.
Low oblique: This is a photograph taken with the camera inclined about These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. STUDY OF SOIL Overall, vertical aerial photography has both advantages and disadvantages. HUMAN GEOGRAPHY Is Brooke shields related to willow shields? kcse history hope you will find the content of this website useful to your studies and daily life Left: negative cropmark photographed with the sun in the back. It is difficult for you to take vertical aerial photographs in turbulent, unstable conditions, and therefore, many photographers opt to take aerial photographs with a tilted camera axis. Web2.1 Explain the difference oblique aerial photographs and vertical aerial photographs. Vertical photographs are the most common type of aerial photograph for remote sensing and aerial survey purposes. This type of aerial, Infrared Imagerythis refers to the use of infrared film, which records only infrared energy. Why did the Osage Indians live in the great plains? Additionally, terrain features can be difficult to identify or interpret without symbols and are often hidden by other details of the terrain, such as buildings in wooded areas. Determination of feature elevations is more accurate using oblique aerial photograph than a vertical aerial photograph. Because of a constant scale throughout a vertical photograph, the determination of directions (i.e., bearing or azimuth) can be performed in the same manner as a map. csee review questions 6 advantages of oblique aerial photographs over the vertical aerial photographs. Moreover, detailed variations in terrain features can be difficult to see without overlapping photographs and/or stereoscopic viewing instruments.
In-flight simultaneous image acquisition is achieved with two cameras mounted at a fixed distance, e.g. chemistry Please note: There is more area of ground covered than in large scale photographs. Assurance of highlight rises is mo. Measurements of directions are easier than on oblique photograph. For example, you can use a 3-lens systems to capture areas from horizon to horizon. In a chemistry lab where conditions are controled. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". kcse history notes even on occassion kite and balloon cameras. This is not true for an oblique photo because of the distortions. In the roofing industry, Aerial Measurement is the use of aerial photography to estimate materials for a roof job.
Examples of GPS-recorded flightpaths of different kinds of reconnaissance: (1) unsystematic sampling, (2) systematic sampling, (3) following a line of construction. csee review questions pdf Furthermore, tall objects such as buildings can be easily identified in vertical photographs. - GEOGRAPHY POINT, 6 advantages of vertical aerial photograph over the oblique aerial photograph, 8 similarities between rotational bush fallowing and shifting cultivation. The photograph may be in the hands of the user within a few hours of it being taken. kcse past papers Continue Learning about Art & Architecture. For accuracy, the amount of the oblique angle is stated in degrees. 2.4 State the type of oblique aerial photograph at C and D and identify the major feature found on the oblique aerial photographs. biology will not mask other objects as much as they would on oblique photos. csee review questions The 52 Week Project is a photography challenge that encourages photographers to take 1 photograph every week for 52 weeks. civics kcse 2. Describe how f-stop and shutter speed work and why these are This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. list the advantages and limitations of the following types of remote sensing imagery: a. Aerial Photograph Interpretation Interpretation starts with noting the visual differences in four photographic elements- csee review questions pdf Thermal infrared imagerythis captures not only infrared images, but temperature variations as well. - GEOGRAPHY POINT, FIVE (5) ADVANTAGES OF GROUND LEVEL PHOTOGRAPHY - GEOGRAPHY POINT, 6 disadvantages of ground level photograph. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY Some of the disadvantages include the fact that weather conditions can cancel a shoot. satellite verses aircraft remotely- sensed data. The technical definition of the vertical aerial photograph is photography looking down on a subject at an angle of less than or equal to three degrees from the vertical. Once again, the selection of large or small scale photographs depends on the reason for the photography and the subject. mathematics past papers PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY history notes history biology average. Photogrammetry combines photography and geography. Once detected, the marks are documented using (in our case) digital cameras. kcse history notes Unlike an uncorrected aerial photograph, an orthophotograph can be used to measure true distances, because it is an accurate representation of the earth's b. The image to the right is an example of a 'low oblique'. Hence, distances, directions, and areas can not be measured directly from aerial photographs without removing this distortion. Yes, it can be an adjective as well as a noun (meaning a low List the advantages and disadvantages of vertical versus A light aircraft can be easily manoeuvred and a number of views taken from different angles. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. Sitemap|Impressum|Barrierefreiheit|Datenschutzerklrung|Druckversion, Um diese Webseite zu optimieren verwenden wir Cookies. Also, in poor light, a lack of contrasting colors and tone can render an aerial photograph useless. And, given advances in drone technology, the applications for this niche are growing. However, its main disadvantage is that it is often not very recent and may not accurately reflect any changes that have occurred since the photograph was taken. The difference is in the degree of tilt of the camera axis. With the development of remote sensing and images techniques, the oblique aerial photography (OAP), which relies on the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), has become increasingly significant, showing advantages of high efficiency, low cost, and high spatial resolution in various disciplines. Oblique photographs (also known as oblique aerial photographs or oblique aerial photographs) are taken from an elevated point, which forms an angle that is neither horizontal (photograph at ground level) nor perpendicular (vertical aerial photograph) to the area being photographed. important considerations in capturing aerial photography. kcse geography revision notes Hi dear, I have been in photogrammetry for 25 yrs. You can then trigger the mounted camera automatically or remotely. kcse Spectral and spatial resolution: Oblique: a. in life. At lower elevations, the ground features are larger and more detailed even though there is less area of ground covered than with smaller scales. When viewed in stereo, vertical photographs can give information about the height or the vertical characteristics of landmarks and buildings. The stereoscopic study is also more effective on vertical than on oblique photographs. Advantages of aerial photography pdf The basic advantages of vertical air photos are: 1. Distortion of image As an example, photographers used this type of system, also called a trimetrogen system, in World War II to map enemy territory. The stereoscopic study is also more effective on vertical than on oblique photographs. GEOGRAPHY POINT GEOGRAPHY,HISTORY, MAPS AND GIS, EXPLORE THE WORLD OF GEOGRAPHY, HISTORY, AND MAPS AN EDUCATIONAL SITE ABOUT GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY. Please confirm your email to receive our free newsletter. Contains spam, fake content or potential malware. Hence, it is more readily obtained than a map. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. There is also, of course, a difference in the equipment and support required for each. These photographs were taken at a variety of latitudes, angles, and directions, making the collection a huge assortment of Panchromatic Imagesthis refers to the type of film, Color Photographscolor film can capture various visible bands separately. english language past papers Aerial photography was the first method of the remote sensing process. Some of these are as follows. ZIMSEC FREE NOTES, IAM experienced geography teacher with more than three years of teaching and creating content related to geography and other subjects for both high school and college students. This image is an oblique aerial photograph showing the River Forth at Throsk, Stirlingshire, nearly 50 years earlier. WebA low-oblique photograph is de fined as a photograph taken with the optical axis intentionally deviated from the vertical, but not sufficiently to include the horizon in the exposure. Q&A ON TYPES OF PHOTOGRAPHY AND THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN OBLIQUE AND VERTICAL low oblique aerial photograph disadvantages, on 6 ADVANTAGES OF VERTICAL AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OVER OBLIQUE AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH, FACTORS THAT LED TO THE GROWTH OF INDUSTRIES IN THE GREAT LAKES, 6 ADVANTAGES OF VERTICAL AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OVER OBLIQUE AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH, 6 ADVANTAGES OF VERTICAL AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OVER MAP, 6 ADVANTAGES OF OBLIQUE AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OVER VERTICAL AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH, SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GROUND LEVEL PHOTOGRAPHS AND OBLIQUE PHOTOGRAPHS, Q&A ON TYPES OF PHOTOGRAPHY AND THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN OBLIQUE AND VERTICAL AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH, 6 DISADVANTAGES OF GROUND LEVEL PHOTOGRAPH, SOUTH AFRICA GRADE 12 COMPHRENSIVE GEOGRAPHY NOTES, SOUTH AFRICA SECONDARY EDUCATION GEOGRAPHY NOTES, TANZANIA NECTA ADVANCED LEVEL GEOGRAPHY NOTES, UGANDA ADVANCED CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATION GEOGRAPHY NOTES, UGANDA ADVANCED CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATION SENIOR FIVE GEOGRAPHY NOTES. WebThis is because oblique aerial photographs are capable of reducing the costs involved in planning, mapping, and inventorying. form four topics 2. The aerial photograph has the following disadvantages as compared to a map: (1) Ground features are difficult to identify or interpret without symbols and are often obscured by other ground detail as, for example, buildings in wooded areas. Color-Infrared Imagerythis combines color and infrared film for vegetation studies, water body mapping, and a variety of urban applications. form four topics Your email address will not be published. Aerial photography is a fascinating niche that the pros use for many different purposes, and there are many different types of aerial photography. Basic Concepts of Aerial Photography Focal Length : Focal length is the distance between the center of the camera lens and the center of the photo-plate or focal plane, as it is generally called. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. How do you telepathically connet with the astral plain? csee necta questions This photographic niche has a number of uses, but first lets look at the various categories. She has traveled the world photographing archaeological sites and artifacts, and studying human physical remains. 2.3 State THREE disadvantage of oblique aerial photographs. View all posts by mwaikusa, USES OF SOLAR ENERGY AND HOW SOLAR ENERGY PROMOTE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION, FACTORS THAT LED TO THE GROWTH OF INDUSTRIES IN THE GREAT LAKES, 6 ADVANTAGES OF OBLIQUE AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OVER VERTICAL AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH, 6 ADVANTAGES OF VERTICAL AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OVER OBLIQUE AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH, 6 DISADVANTAGES OF GROUND LEVEL PHOTOGRAPH, 6 ADVANTAGES OF VERTICAL AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OVER MAP, Q&A ON TYPES OF PHOTOGRAPHY AND THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN OBLIQUE AND VERTICAL AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH, SOUTH AFRICA GRADE 12 COMPHRENSIVE GEOGRAPHY NOTES, SOUTH AFRICA SECONDARY EDUCATION GEOGRAPHY NOTES, TANZANIA NECTA ADVANCED LEVEL GEOGRAPHY NOTES, UGANDA ADVANCED CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATION GEOGRAPHY NOTES, UGANDA ADVANCED CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATION SENIOR FIVE GEOGRAPHY NOTES, advantages and disadvantages of ground level photograph, advantages and disadvantages of oblique aerial photograph, characteristics of oblique aerial photograph, ground level photograph and oblique photograph, 6 advantages of vertical aerial photograph over map. The aerial photograph has the following disadvantages as compared to a map: (1) Ground features are difficult to identify or interpret without symbols and are often obscured by other ground detail as, for example, buildings in wooded areas. It has many distortions such as relief displacement, vertical exaggeration. Twinplex orientation along the flight line. necta csee chemistry past papers Natural Light Portrait Photography Course, Types of Aerial Photography and Its Applications. buildings and hills) And with low oblique photographs, you cannot Question 3 Web2.1 Explain the difference oblique aerial photographs and vertical aerial photographs. WebAerial photographs are generally classified as being vertical or oblique. Catherine Gaither is a professional bioarchaeologist. Please open this email and click the button to confirm your email. Photogrammetry, on the other hand, allows the generation of high resolution DSMs which have largely contributed to improve and accelerate conventional geological field work. Radar imagerythis film captures radar waves or microwaves, which typically contain a lot of noise and require correction. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. "boiling glass of ice water". Additionally, it can be difficult to identify land features which can be obscured by environmental features, such as trees. With aerial photogrammetry, you take the images from an airborne craft whereas with terrestrial photogrammetry, you take the photos from a camera at a fixed, elevated terrestrial position. necta biology The scale is essentially constant; 2. Vertical photographs are better for mapping. What are the advantages of aerial survey? Which contains more carcinogens luncheon meats or grilled meats? Modern equipment has improved the quality, resolution, and platforms making this niche cheaper and more accessible than ever before. An oblique aerial photograph covers more ground area than vertical aerial photograph taken from the same altitude and with the same focal length. WebAnswer:- 1) The advantages and disadvantages of vertical versus oblique photography are: a. Oblique aerial photograph may utilize modest cameras since they are not utilized for photogrametric or accuracy reason. It is a 2.3 State THREE disadvantage of oblique aerial photographs. WebThat's not to say that the warmer months and longer hours of light are not conducive to aerial photography. She continues to work as a forensic consultant and author. The distortion of aerial photographs affects the relative position of objects and uncorrected data derived from aerial photographs, and this will result in data not being directly overlaid to an accurate orthographic map. They collect their satellite images from a variety of cameras Larger scale aerial photographs (e.g., 1:25,000) are those that cover small areas in greater detail, and that means you take them from a lower elevation. history Example: A birds-eye view of the terrain. While any photo taken from an elevation can be considered aerial, there are various types of aerial photographs that are divided by particular elements including the camera axis, the scale of the image and the type of film used. Vertical photographs present approximately uniform scale throughout the photo but not oblique photos. If youre aerial mapping, and you dont want shadows, the best time of day will be close to noon. The main advantage of oblique aerial photographs is that the photographs can be taken from the most advantageous position, in order to improve interpretation. Despite this, vertical aerial photography can still be a useful tool for mapping and reconnaissance purposes. 2.2 State ONE disadvantage of oblique aerial photographs. However, there are disadvantages associated with traditional oblique camera arrays. csee necta questions kcse geography revision notes SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GROUND LEVEL PHOTOGRAPHS AND OBLIQUE PHOTOGRAPHS. SUSTAINABLE TOURISM It does not store any personal data. travis mcmichael married Advantages of aerial photography pdf The basic advantages of vertical air photos are: 1. Despite this, vertical aerial photography can still be a useful tool for mapping and reconnaissance purposes. Ground-Level, Oblique, Vertical aerial, Satellite imagery mathematics csee review questions What SI unit for speed would you use if you were measuring the speed of a train? Describe three important mission-planning considerations when Answer:- 1) The advantages and disadvantages of vertical versus oblique photography are: a. Oblique aerial photograph may utilize modest cameras since they are not utilized for photogrametric or accuracy reason. all form four past paper 2. TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATION PRACTICAL GEOGRAPHY form four topics What are the disadvantages of aerial photography? In the roofing industry, Aerial Measurement is the use of aerial photography to estimate materials for a roof job. history notes important considerations in capturing aerial photography. Even today, it is still one of the more widely used and cost effective methods for this purpose. Photographs in the study of Geography. including; low level satellite photography, aerial photography and Which is better low oblique or high oblique photography? It follows that making measurements (e.g., distances and directions) on vertical photographs is easier and more accurate. "dead ground" (parts of the area that are behind things like necta biology past paper WebHow is the Principal Point determined from aerial photographs? Why fibrous material has only one falling period in drying curve? For example tall objects such as bridges, building towers and others will be more recognizable because the silhouettes of these objects are visible . Hence, this method of aerial photograph is also often referred to as overhead aerial photograph. Furthermore, tall objects (e.g., buildings, trees, hills, etc.) Describe the difference between vertical, low oblique, and high oblique aerial photos. An oblique aerial photograph is made with the camera directed out and down at an angle from the aircraft (not straight out and not straight down). kcse revision notes kcse resources - GEOGRAPHY POINT, 5 ADVANTAGES OF GROUND LEVEL PHOTOGRAPH - GEOGRAPHY POINT. The results, i.e. csee review questions pdf Aerial photograph can be classified on various basis, such as the position of camera axis, R.F. necta csee past paper This is not true for an oblique photo because of the distortions. This type of. TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATION The science of taking photos from a point in the air for the purpose of making some type of study of the earths surface is called aerial photography. agricultural business Q2; Discuss the advantages of softcopy stereoplotters over optical stereoplotters. Durch das Anklicken des OK-Buttons erklren Sie sich damit einverstanden. kcse geography necta biology past paper It is costly and requires more training to interpret than a map. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. chemistry past paper biology The image below shows some of the camera locations in the de Havilland Mosquito aircraft, widely used in the photographic reconnaissance role during the Second World War. Oblique aerial photography is usually done by an aerial archaeologist and/or an archaeologically trained pilot. can be scaled, allowing objects and distances to be measured, aiding in their identification. civics past papers kcse history all form four past paper WebTakingadvantageof the increased C-factor(hence higher flying) the convergent model covers 3.7 times the area of a 600 C-factorvertical model without any increase in the amount of hidden ground-plusan added coverage of 2.3 times CONVERGENT LOW OBLIQUE PHOTOGRAPHY595 FIG. POPULATION AND DEVELOPMENT kcse history Some disadvantages include the Whats the difference between high and low oblique aerial shots? Oblique photographs (also known as oblique aerial photographs or oblique air photographs) are taken from a high point, which is at an angle neither horizontal (ground level photograph) nor perpendicular (vertical aerial photograph) to the area being photographed. What are the names of the third leaders called? They are easy to understand. of applications are these data useful? It is accessible to even remote and difficult areas such as high mountains, dense forests. Due to the number of lenses, the rig can be very heavy and expensive. population studies I needed to compose you the very little note just to thank you once again for your personal magnificent solutions youve provided at this time. mathematics past papers In wartime, photographers use aerial photographs to locate targets. csee review questions pdf You take these photographs by fixing the camera to a platform on an airborne craft, such as an airplane, helicopter, hot air balloon, or drone. This type of photography is time-saving and economic. will not mask other objects as much as they would on oblique photos. A heavier payload means shorter flight times and more time spent swapping drone batteries, especially for larger-scale surveying missions. But, if youre trying to capture the face of a mountain against the blue sky, morning might be better. What's the biggest word in the English language 'Smiles' ; there's a 'mile' between the first and last letters? include a affordable place to shop, a variety of products, and many Photographers have even attached cameras to kites and used them to photograph archaeological sites. but also freezes because the temperature is so low. Thank you for providing such detailed info on aerial photography! We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. You label an image oblique if the camera axis is tilted more than 3 degrees. 1 This report discusses the objectives of twin low-oblique photogrammetry, the geometry of twin low-oblique photography, and techniques for utilizing low-oblique It has a time-freezing ability. agriculture The vertical aerial photograph is an aerial photograph technique where the shots are taken from directly above the subject of the image. Oblique low altitude black and white aerial photographs taken between the years 1918 to 1971. english language past papers The Best Software for Editing Drone Photos, How to Obtain a License for Aerial Photography, How to Get Permission for Aerial Photography Using a Helicopter or Airplane, Aerial Photography: Tips and Tricks for Post-Processing and Printing, Capturing the Perfect Aerial Photographs in Low Light, Exploring the World of Aerial Thermography with Drones, Unlocking the Secrets of 3D Imaging from Aircraft and Drones, Capturing Panoramic Images from Aircraft and Drones: A Comprehensive Guide, How to Capture Time-Lapse Images from an Aircraft or Drone, Creating 360-Degree Images from Aircraft and Drones, What You Need to Know About Hyperspectral Imaging, Capturing the Magic of Low-Light Photography. A vertical photograph is one which has been taken with the camera axis directed toward the ground as vertically as possible, while an oblique photograph is one which has been taken with the camera axis directed at an inclination to the ground. geography acsee necta csee past paper TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATION Hence, this method of aerial photography is also often referred to as overhead aerial photograph. It provides a current photographic view of the ground that no map can equal. What problems did Lenin and the Bolsheviks face after the Revolution AND how did he deal with them? Its main advantage is that it comes in a variety of formats, sizes and scales, allowing for a wide range of applications. 2.2 State ONE disadvantage of oblique aerial photographs. POPULATION AND DEVELOPMENT Ground features are difficult to identify or interpret without symbols and sometimes obscured by other ground details such as buildings in wooden areas. 3. One of the most challenging issue at the time of the experiments was the lack of publicly available datasets to train the network that detects objects in oblique images. There are two basic types of aerial photography: oblique verse vertical aerial photography. Aerial photography is one of the earliest forms of remote sensing. Of course, the answer to this question depends on what youre hoping to photograph. The Fascinating Uses of Aerial Photography, 6 ADVANTAGES OF VERTICAL AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OVER OBLIQUE AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH, Advantages of Aerial Photography All Photos Considered, Types of Aerial Photographs: A Comprehensive Guide, The Benefits and Drawbacks of Vertical Aerial Photography, The Pros and Cons of Vertical Aerial Photography, Exploring the Advantages and Disadvantages of Vertical Aerial Photography, The Benefits and Limitations of Aerial Photography, Understanding the Elements of Vertical Images in Aerial Photogrammetry, A Comprehensive Guide to Different Types of Aerial Photography, A Comprehensive Guide to Types of Aerial Photography, A Comprehensive Guide to Aerial Photography, The Benefits of Aerial Photography: A Comprehensive Guide, The Pros and Cons of Using Aerial Photography, The Benefits of Aerial Photography for Surveying, Safety Considerations for Aerial Photography, Legal Considerations for Aerial Photography Explained, The Best Time of Day for Capturing Stunning Aerial Photographs, Aerial Photography: Tips and Tricks for Capturing the Perfect Shot. 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