In that time, John has led the Patrol Division, Special Operations Division, and the Information Services Division within Police Services. You can send your story ideas to her at or on Twitter at @sadyswan. Colorado Portal and News |, Colorado Portal | News | Classifieds | Cars. Crystal Landscape provides expert landscape rock delivery right to your project. WebToday, Rocky Mountain Gun Owners SuperPAC is proud to announce the endorsement of Jeff Fisher as the conservative, pro-gun, pro-freedom choice for Larimer Election results will remain unofficial until all election processes conclude and no later than November 30, 2022 (in accordance with statute). Also, the show more button below will come in handy when you have more than ten results. Baker did not respond to a request for comment. "The office of sheriff is a political office, but public safety and our Constitutional rights are nonpartisan matters," Fisher said in a statement to the Coloradoan. COVID-19 Info COVID Dashboard Weather Alerts Red Flag Warning. Josey, a Republican, has worked in the Treasurers Feyen has worked as a first responder and in law enforcement in Larimer County for about four decades,according to his campaign website. "Council has its hands full with homelessness, mental health issues, and budget discipline. Larimer County 2022 election: Who'srunning so far? To fill his seat, Smith has endorsed Fort Collins Police Services Assistant Chief John Feyen in the race for Larimer County sheriff. WebThe Larimer County Sheriff's Office is seeking skilled problem-solvers to join our team. Sady Swanson covers public safety, criminal justice, Larimer County governmentand more throughout Northern Colorado. Paid for by John Feyen for Sheriff. In addition to the dedicated people who work at the Sheriff's Office, hundreds of committed volunteers assist us in our duties every day in order that we may better serve the citizens of Larimer County. Twenty-five people weighed in at In 2019, John accepted an offer to serve the citizens of Fort Collins as an Assistant Chief with Fort Collins Police Services. Irene Josey, who has served as Larimer Countys elected treasurer since 2014, is clearly the most qualified candidate for the treasurers post in the November election. Emails sent to the Larimer County Commissioners will be publicly available in the Commissioners' public email box and viewable unless marked "private" in the subject To fill his seat, Smith has endorsed Fort Collins Police Services Assistant Chief John Feyen in the race for Larimer County sheriff. Colorados primary election will be held June 28, with ballots being mailed out the week of June 6. Support us by purchasing a digital subscription today. Larimer County deserves a leader with a track record of integrity and accountability.
The proof is in the pudding..
Feyen had 21,139 votes, and his opponent, Jeff Fisher, deputy chief at the Louisville Police Department, had 15,884. Fourth posting of Unofficial Results. Surveyor:No candidates registered; Current surveyor Chad Washburn (R) is term limited. Contact her You can send your story ideas to her at or on Twitter at @sadyswan. So, quite honestly, there really hasnt been a need to run, but now with Justin being term-limited, I think its now more important than ever that we get someone with that breath of experience and someone who really understands how to provide excellent public safety in the office. In her 10 years in office, Myers said she has remained dedicated to handling her work as clerk and recorder in a nonpartisan way, and this commitment has never been more important than it is now., Looking to the future, election integrity is at the forefront as it really always should be, Myers said in a statement to the Coloradoan. PO Box 1547, Fort Collins CO 80522, HOURS:8:00am- 5:00pm, Monday - Friday (except holidays)
As a commissioner for the last three years, Kefalas said the board has made meaningful differences in peoples lived by addressing several important issues, fromhousing, child care and broadband to criminal justice, safety and infrastructure. Candidates have announced their plans to viefor Larimer County seats this fall, with several weeks still remaining for other challengers to enter the races. Fisher joined the Louisville Police Department in Boulder County as the administrative division commander after leaving the Loveland department in 2014. John Feyen wins Republican primary race to become Larimer County's next sheriff, Larimer County's next sheriff will be picked in the primary election, more than 111,000 people cast ballots in Larimer County, Find key state and Larimer County races here, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. (In full transparency, the Coloradoan did not notify candidates that we would be asking for endorsements. ", "Looking to the future, election integrity is at the forefront as it really always should be," Myers said in a statement to the Coloradoan. Former Loveland Police Department Sgt. "He's not a politician making grandiose political promises or spouting oversimplified rhetoric. Fisher did not respond to a request for comment Tuesday night. Experience and strength of character directly affect the ability to do so, and there is no higher calling for me as Clerk.. Final Official Results. If these gentlemen dont agree with the existing laws, perhaps they should consider running for a representative seat where they can change the laws instead.
Law enforcement is not something that a sheriff does to a community; law enforcement is something they do with the community. Final Official Results as of 11/22/2022, Time: 10:24AM MST Notes from the Clerk: Final Official Results This concludes the 2022 General Election in Larimer Over that period of time, I've gotten the opportunity to see his heart and know his character. Unfortunately, we have failed to heed those lessons with COVID and weve had a tendency to lock into a strategy for long periods, even when the strategy proved ineffective or conditions changed significantly.. Fisher, If you need accommodations please contact Human Resources Recruiting at (970) 498-5984 or for interviewing accommodations, please contact our Inclusion Administrator Nicole Berg at (970) 498-5973. Surveyor:No candidates registered; Current surveyor Chad Washburn (R) is term limited. In 2000, John was called to serve his community in another way and joined the Larimer County Sheriffs Office (LCSO). MORE:Fort Collins likely to adjust plastic bag ban to align with new Colorado law. Feyen told the Coloradoan he was "cautiously optimistic" after thefirst round of results and "even more optimistic" after the second round because the results are "heading in the right direction.". Irene Josey is currently running unopposed for reelection for treasurer and said one of her goals for her third and final term will be to complete the technological enhancements her office has been working on to meet current and anticipated needs from the community. He also identified some state mandates that he thought were detrimental to the county, including the red-flag law that became effective last year, which he says provides zero resources for people suffering from mental health problems. I wish to contribute to this process, and we must move forward together especially during these uncertain times. by. Note: These are candidates who have registered with the Colorado Secretary of State office as of Jan. 31. From natural disaster management to major case investigations and community program development, John will use his professional experience to serve our Larimer County community. According to a county term limit sheet, sheriffs are limited to three consecutive four-year terms. We need you. NORTH FORTY: With all of the positions youve held over the years, why now is running for Larimer County Sheriff so important? "Everyone deserves excellent public safety and everyone will get it with me.". Myers is running for reelection as the county's clerk and recorder against challenger Toni Baker. If you need to register to vote, change your voting address or party registration, Jeff Fisher, Fort Collins likely to adjust plastic bag ban to align with new Colorado law, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. More than one person mentioned a spirit of open-mindedness. "I feel great," Fisher said at that time. "I'm overwhelmingly grateful for people who put their time and effort into me and for the voters who trusted and put their faith in me," Feyen said. JEFF FISHER: Ive considered running for sheriff for a long time, the fact of the matter is weve had great sheriffs in Larimer County; Jim Alderman was a great "Regardless of what the results are, I am truly blessed by all of you," Feyen said. Fisher said his nearly three decades in law enforcement across three Colorado counties Larimer, Weld and Boulder have given him the education, knowledge, skills and experience to lead the sheriff's office and help make the community as safe as possible. Sady Swanson covers public safety, criminal justice, Larimer County governmentand more throughout Northern Colorado. All rights reserved. Johns passion for service, especially a desire to provide a future of possibilities for our children, carries over to his personal life. Hannah Ruppert, who attended the event Monday, said she liked what Fisher said about his values. "He is a true diplomat who listens and understands all sides of an issue." Categories appear once the search form is submitted. Candidates will get three attempts to run the course on the testing date. During his time at LCSO, John gained invaluable experience not often achieved by those with only town or city police experience. Note: If you have an emergency, please call 911. Seven county offices are up for election this year: commissioner for District 1, sheriff, clerk and recorder, treasurer, assessor, coroner and surveyor. Fisher said his priorities as sheriff would be to safeguard the Constitutional rights of all citizens, further address the mental heath crisis, and address rising crime rates in the community. WebVoting & Elections; Our County . Sure, the office is political but the sheriff doesnt need to be a political figurehead and just spout off what he thinks you want to hear just to get elected. rownd a rownd. Here are the candidates. Meet the candidates:Larimer County's next sheriff will be picked in the primary election. Second Posting of Unofficial Results. As promised, we wanted to give the second candidate a chance to introduce himself to North Forty News readers, as well. Feyen's platform includes protecting the rights of Larimer County residents, serving the community, finding long-term solutions to problems and leading with integrity, according to his campaign website. This improvement would include focuses such as conducting an audit to identify where the office can do more with less, implementing and maintaining the most contemporary law enforcement policies, procedures and training with an emphasis on deescalation and crisis intervention, increasing the number of women and people of color in supervisory roles and more. Contact NEOGOV Applicant Support Hotline toll free at (855) 524-5627 Need an Accommodation? In the long-term, this will decrease the number of times law enforcement is called for this situation. Larimer County deserves a leader with a track record of integrity and accountability. Third Posting of Unofficial Results. Smith said he wants to bring my experiences and lessons learned to the board to provide a fresh perspective on these issues and many more., Kefalas who has served three years as a county commissioner and previously served 12 years in the state legislature said he is running for reelection because of his life-long commitment to serving others and the profound need for greater kindness and understanding.. JOHN FEYEN: If people have questions, the truth fears no questions and I know that sounds kind of glib but its true; Im not a politician and I dont mean to denigrate the profession of politics because thats an important role, but if you have a question and youre willing to constructively engage in hard conversations, lets do that. Jeff Fisher, a former sergeant with the Loveland Police Department, announced his candidacy for the seat of Larimer County sheriff on Monday. It is time for the office to be seen through the eyes of a new sheriff, and I want to be that person.. Fisher said his nearly three decades in law enforcement across three Colorado counties Larimer, Weld and Boulder have given him the education, knowledge, skills and experience to lead the sheriffs office and help make the community as safe as possible. This question was prompted by local residents and groups pressing Fort Collins City Council to take action and council considering a potential gun buyback program in response. Colorado's primary election will be held June 28, with ballots being mailed out the week of June 6. Note: These are candidates who have registered with the Colorado Secretary of State office as of Jan. 31. 200 W. Oak Street
If you need to report a crime or ask a police related question, please call the Larimer County Sheriff's Office at 970-416-1985. Experience and strength of character directly affect the ability to do so, and there is no higher calling for me as Clerk.". one that will determine the final outcome: Larimer County sheriff. "Both candidates stated they werent in favor of red flag laws. Mar 2023 31. During his speech, he outlined a list of focuses he would have as sheriff for continuous improvement.. It is anticipated that the next update of Unofficial Results will be posted at approximately 6p. NORTH FORTY: In your opinion, what are the major issues Larimer County currently faces and how would you intend to address them? Nov. 8 is election day, and voters can expect to have their ballots mailed out the week of Oct. 17, according to the county. Enjoy the taste of spring at Your Butcher Frank. Seventh posting of Unofficial Results. Jeff Fisher is also vying for sheriff. It is anticipated that the next update of Unofficial Results will be posted at approximately 9:30p. Assessor:No candidates registered; Current assessor Bob Overbeck (D) is not term limited. As someone who has been in the law enforcement arena for nearly three decades, I can assure you he is up for that task, he said. Our Country was founded on the belief that we should be governed by the people, but even then, there were natural rights inherent to the individual that a government could not legislate or infringe upon. Baker entered the race for clerk and recorder to "restore faith in elections and support for those who conduct them," according to her campaign website. Jail - Captain Tim Palmer. Map of Facilities, Per the Americans with Disabilities Act (, Emails sent to the Larimer County Commissioners will be publicly available in the Commissioners'public email box, Codes, Policies, Ordinances & Resolutions, Clerk & Recording: Marriage License & Civil Union, Passports. John once again led evacuations during the 2013 flood and later was on the first helicopter into Pinewood Springs to provide community support. Larimer County Sheriff's Department Jacob Factor | Breaking News Reporter Jacob Factor joined the Denver Post in August 2022 as a part-time breaking news reporter. All rights reserved. There was no candidate for sheriff on the Democratic primary ballot. NORTH FORTY: With all of the many positions youve held, why now is running for sheriff so important to you? First Posting of Unofficial Results. Considering a real estate move in Southeast Denver? This year's turnout appears to befar behind the record turnout for Larimer County primaries. While most of Johns time at LCSO was spent in investigations, he also served the citizens of Wellington as the sergeant of the LCSO Wellington Squad. Web2022 Larimer County Candidate Qualifications General Requirements for County Elected Offices and Access to the Ballot The Larimer County Clerk and Recorder has prepared Larimer County Sheriff Justin Smith Smith will run for District 1, currently occupied by Democrat John Kefalas, who also announced this week that he would seek reelection. Processing of ballots will now conclude for the day and resume tomorrow, November 11, 2022. Candidates have announced campaigns for commissioner, clerk and recorder, sheriff and treasurer, according to the Colorado Secretary of State online We wanted to come out to support him in person., I have gotten to know (him) and his wife, and they are very upfront, honest people, said Barbara Watt. If you need to register to vote, change your voting address or party registration, In our second question last week, we asked:What is Fort Collins City Council's role in the national gun control debate? That includes being actively involved in the community because I think thats the best way to give back. Resolving complex issues require a collaborative mindset. If a strategy wasnt working or circumstances changed, we had to adapt rapidly. It is so important that we take these processes seriously and ensure security and integrity period. Clerk and Recorder: Angela Myers (R) and Toni Baker (D), Commissioner District 1: John Kefalas (D) and Justin Smith (R). "The work for tomorrow will be done tomorrow.". It's my privilege to endorse John Feyen to be your next Larimer County Sheriff and to take the Larimer County Sheriff's Office to the next level. 200 W. Oak Street
Im about building relationships with the community and building relationships with other law enforcement agencies, including our Federal partners, the FBI, ATF, and all of those other agencies because they have different abilities than we do, but Im not going to let them trample on peoples Constitutional rights. Joe W. says: "Gun control is best handled at the state and federal levels. We'll get to the final one later. Virtue signaling with ineffective gun laws that will increase division and alienate even more of the community hardly seems like a good use of their time," Robert D. said. Resolving complex issues requires a collaborative mindset. Fishers announcement comes more than a year before the next Larimer County sheriff will be elected to replace the current sheriff, Justin Smith. If you need to report a crime or ask a police related question, please call the Larimer County Sheriff's Office at 970-416-1985. Being a county commissioner is tough, complex, and rewarding, especially when we work together for the common good, solve problems and get things done, Kefalas said. During that time, he served in several roles including patrol officer, GangStop officer, field training officer, detective, tactical investigations specialist, assistant SWAT team leader, patrol sergeant, field training sergeant and personnel and training sergeant. For instance, he led evacuations in Rist Canyon, Poudre Canyon, and Redstone Canyon during the 2012 High Park Fire and served as Law Command on numerous occasions, as well. The initial story incorrectly stated the deadline for when major party candidates can enter the race. John will create an environment open to public scrutiny and welcomes input. We provide you with the latest news and videos straight from the Mile High City! Feyen has locked down endorsements from both sitting Larimer County Sheriff Justin Smith, Above from left: Dell Bean, Jay Harrison and Justin Smith are running for the term-limited sheriff's job. Support us by purchasing a digital subscription today. John is committed to our community and public service. ", Debra F. took issue with both candidates' views on red flag laws. ", Addressing the fact that there is no Democrat running for office, Don M. pointed out that Democrats will not have an opportunity to weigh in on the choice between two final candidates. Getting to Know John Feyen: Candidate for Larimer County Sheriff in 2022 May 30, 2022 Jonson Kuhn News Comments Off 2022 Larimer County Sheriff The ideal candidate is a natural communicator and can effectively diffuse and de WebKenya Plastics Pact > News & Media > Uncategorized > larimer county sheriff candidates 2022. larimer county sheriff candidates 2022. 2023 The sheriff race was the only contested countywide race on either primary ballot in Larimer County this year. Our country was built on a foundation of individual freedom. Seven county offices are up for election this year: commissioner for District 1, sheriff, clerk and recorder, treasurer, assessor, coroner and surveyor. In the meantime, if you have any questions for John Feyen or would like to get to know more about his campaign, youre encouraged to reach out by email at or by phone at 970-281-5721 and visit his website at Dawn D.'s comments are representative ofmany of theviews offered. , Smith has endorsed Fort Collins Police Services actively involved in the primary election notify candidates that we these! Provide a future of possibilities for our children, carries over to his personal life latest and. County primaries views on red flag Warning have as sheriff for continuous improvement and we must forward. Candidacy for the day and resume tomorrow, November 11, 2022 Hotline toll free at ( ). Public scrutiny and welcomes input vote, change your voting address or party registration, deserves excellent public,... 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